Anand JitendrabhaiChovatiya,Managing Director and promoter, brings over 7 years of experience in the Railing & Façade industry.
Mrs. Sheetal A. Chovatiya, diligently manages administrative activities. She serves as the company's promoter and Director.
Mr. Bhavik J. Gadhiya, an engineer by education, is a self-employed entrepreneur and serves as an independent director of the company.
Mr. Harsh M. Varsani, holds a background in business administration and is a self-employed entrepreneur. He also serves as an independent director of the company.
Mr. Yogesh K. Trivedi, and an engineer by education, previously served as General Manager at Lotus Jewellery. He currently holds the position of independent director at the company.
Code for Corporate Disclosure Prevention of Insider Trading Code of Conduct by BOD and KMP Policy Code of Conduct for Unpublished Price Sensitive Information (UPS) Dividend Distribution Policy Nomination and Remuneration Policy Policy for determining Material Subsidiary Policy for prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy on Familiarisation of Independent Directors Policy on Materiality and Identification of Group Company Related Party Transactions Policy Risk Management Policy Terms and condition for Appointment of Independent Directors Vigil Mechanism and Whistle Blower Policy
Company secretary and compliance officer
Ms. Ritu garg
Shade A-1/5 ,Aji GIDC ,Road-C,
Beside dynamatic forgins
Tel: +919724662344
Registrar and Share Transfer Agent
Bigshare Services Private Limited
1st Floor, Bharat Tin Works Building,
Opp. Vasant Oasis, Makwana Road,
Marol, Andheri (East) Mumbai – 400059.
Phone: 022 62638200
Fax: 022 62638299